Not to insult
any one's intelligence, but if you are unfamiliar with mushing this might be helpful... Sis was exhausted and needed to be put in bed first this evening. Interesting what Biggest Brother, Younger Brother, and Big Sis come up with when left to their own devices!

Step 1: Buckle Sis into Littlest
Sis's rocking chair.

Step 2: Flip chair over, point and giggle and say, "Look! She's a turtle, she's a turtle!"

Step 3: Figurative
light bulb goes on above the heads of both brothers. But of course!

Step 4: Board chair like a dog, um, turtle sled...and

Okay guys, I have no idea how you came up with that one. But I'll definitely give you props for creativity!
1 comment:
Ava has done this with her Papasan chair too!She was watching tv & came crawling to me with it on her back. She has buckled herself in but couldn't get out,haha!
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