Driving into our complex this morning I saw a truck with Michigan plates parked on the street next to ours. The pics on the back caught my attention, so I circled around to get a closer look.

I don't know what this person's connection is to the little girl on the right. But I'm guessing it's personal as the back window was adorned with information about her as well.

I can't even begin to imagine what a parent in this situation goes through!!!
And I certainly couldn't drive on by without doing something, in some small way, to help.

Even if it's only posting this information so that 20 or 30 more people can be a set of eyes or a prayer for these girls!
If you are not able to read the information at the bottom, you can click on the picture for a larger view.
I went to the website for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to see if there was any more information about these girls. I couldn't leave this little girl out of this post! Please read her information as well!
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