As I have mentioned in previous posts, Younger Brother often takes the girls downstairs and gives them breakfast while I feed Princess A. Either they were a little faster, or Princess A was a little slower...but either way, Biggest Brother, Younger Brother, and Big Sis finished before I had A squared away and came running back upstairs to play. Only Little Sis wasn't with them. I went downstairs to check on her and this is what I found...

Ah yes, that's a guilty face if I ever saw one.
And what exactly was she up to??

Oh, just giving Liberty breakfast ...Cheerios to be exact, her Cheerios, in bed, from a spoon. And I'm pretty sure they were sharing.
I told her that this was not okay!
Though I doubt she got that message when I preceded it with a poorly concealed giggle and a reach for my camera.
Liberty was loving the royal treatment I bet!! lol!!
hi kids.nice to meet u
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