I'm pretty sure that Younger Brother probably has nightmares about baskets full of matchless socks. It just so happens to be the perfect solution for wild boys (or girls) who are not following Mom's instructions to play quietly/nicely and end up earning themselves a job...one that requires them to settle down and helps me out simultaneously. I like it! But judging by his reaction to his sentencing, one would think it was pure torture!

At least he isn't serving his time alone.
Princess A is keeping him good company, and she isn't wearing any socks at all for him to match.
By the way Princess A looks adorable as always!!!
That is a lot of socks!!!! I am never so organized as to wash all of our socks at once...I find them as we go....not the best way. That is a good idea though for a punishment. I will have to remember that...send any other ideas my way!! :)
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