There are still more ballet pictures on the way, but they are on hold for the time being. Grandpa M gave us quite a scare this weekend! He was admitted to the ICU due to illness and very low blood pressure. He was given a blood transfusion, and a pacemaker this morning to improve his heart rate, which slowed to 30bpm overnight. Thankfully, he appears to be on his way to feeling better.

Ironically, right before we got the phone call, I had just finished mowing the lawn and discussing with J what other weeding and household projects needed to be addressed. And as he walked back inside to check on the kids I thought to myself, "Wow, that's so surreal. I feel like a couple of kids playing house!"

My dad also scared us a few weeks ago with some heart trouble of his own.
And I know that J and I shared the same gutwrenching feeling of,
"I can't lose my dad! I'm not the grown-up. I need my dad!"
I guess your dad is your dad is your dad, no matter how old you get.
So dads, take good care of yourselves!
We love you!
And we still need you just as much as we did in 1984!
1 comment:
What a touching post:)
I know... what big scares you've both had with your Dad's. I hope your Dad is doing better and I'll continue to pray for your hubby's Dad. The worst thing is to be told "We don't know what's wrong with you". Thankfully God knows though...that's a relief. He is in my prayers....I will pray for wisdom for the Dr.s as well and that they can figure out what's causing all of this.
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