Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Up and Update

Thank you everyone who has called to check on Liberty! She is quite special to us, and it's nice to know people have been thinking about her! She's definitely still not 100%, but she has shown great improvement in lots of areas. I took these pics with my cell phone after her doctor appointment Monday morning.

Believe it or not, this is a big improvement! I took her with me to take care of the horses, and she was very interested in what was going on outside the truck. I think she was mostly just bummed that she wasn't outside with me.

I gave in and decided to see if she wanted to go on a short walk.
She was thrilled!
She still seems to tire easily, but she had a spring in her step and her tail up again.

She even mustered the strength to pull herself up to look out the window as we were driving away.
Long story short, we still don't know why she got so sick. It's very possible that she just got some sort of weird infection that the antibiotics are treating. Or she could still have an autoimmune disorder...but for most of those, the meds she is on should not be having any effect on that. Basically, we are just continuing with her original course of treatment and seeing how she does. She still seems a little off, but does not appear to be in any real pain. Right now, she's bright-eyed, alert, interested in her surroundings, and eating (voraciously)!
I'll take it...with thankfulness!

1 comment:

Britni said...

I am so glad she's ok. Poor little thing!!