Today was Scarecrow Day for both first grades at Biggest Brother's school...

I volunteered to help set up, so I went a little early and had a chance to stop by and see brother in his classroom.

They were allowed a no uniform day as long as they dressed in scarecrow/farm attire. The plaid shirt was the best I could come up with. That, and he sort of looks like a scarecrow with his badly-in-need-of-a-cut style hair!

He wanted me to take of pic of him with his two best buddies.

They got to take a hay ride out to the far field where the Scarecrow Day festivities were held.

There was a bonfire for roasting marshmallows and hot dogs.

I was a little late getting this pic, but Biggest Brother was chosen to bless the meal.

When I left to go get the little
sibs before Daddy had to leave for work, the first graders were all having a great time playing this rather curious game.
Brother later clarified for me that the game is called "dead turtle".
Basically, it's sort of like tag. But instead of having a base, when the tagger gets close to you, you drop to the ground and make like a dead turtle until they pass you by.
Oooooh...okay! Now this pic makes a lot more sense!
Thanks for clearing that up Brother!
These are the things I cant wait for. Im such a dork that I am constantly excited by things like pumpkin patches and the zoo or aquarium. Needless to say, I will be first in line to volunteer for field trips with Jack's classes.
You take amazing pictures! So sharp and full of you mind me asking what kind of camera/lens you use? You have a beautiful family by the way :)
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