Referring back to yesterday's post...before the girls spotted their friends outside, they were having a grand old time together in the piano room. Littlest Sis thinks Big Sis is pretty great. And Big Sis thinks it's great that Littlest Sis thinks she's great! :) They seem to have at least one chuckle fit every day where they can't look at each other without uncontrollable giggles.

Today, it began as I was trying to get a few pics of Littlest Sis in her exersaucer.

She made a quick grab for the camera here, and got it.
She was enjoying watching all of the buses and kids walking home from was Libbs.

It didn't take long for Big Sis to wander in and "one up" the outside show.
As I mentioned in the last post, the girls were playing with plants. Friend B picked a dandelion puff and let Big Sis blow the little fuzzy things off of it.
That's all fine and good, but apparently Littlest Sis is the very best dandelion puff of all!
1 comment:
I love the last picture where big sis is blowing littlest sis's hair like a dandelion!!
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