There are no small birthdays at our house! The honorary individual gets to celebrate not only his/her actual b-day, but Birthday Eve and Birthday Weekend as well. Because Buggy's birthday fell on a Thursday this year, he got to celebrate a Big
Ol' Birthday Weekend!

Grandpa G came over for some preliminary celebrations Birthday Eve.

This crane game was a total hit!

Check out that concentration!
Next it was celebration number 2...some present opening with mom and dad after preschool on his actual b-day. That's a stamp from school in the middle of his forehead.
This red lightsaber was one of the few things he specifically requested.
Sis thought it was pretty cool too.
Grievous's spaceship was another big hit.

Are we seeing a theme here?

Later in the day, it was time for celebration number 3...a trip to the park.
Darn straight! :)
Now, if they were climbing up the inside of the slide and interfering with other children coming down, that'd be one thing. But personally, I do not see the big deal. It's a 10ft fall into mulch. So they think outside the box. Kudos to them!
Don't worry Littlest Sis, it won't be long and you'll be able to play too.
I am absolutely certain Biggest Brother was showing off for the little girl behind him. And yes, I did make him put on his shoes the minute he came back down.

Big Sis won't be outdone.
All in all, a great day at the park.
Next it was celebration number 4 with Grandma Kent on Friday.
Younger Brother calls these his "phone ears" and he loves them! He had been using Biggest Brother's. Now they each have their own.
Grandma made one heck of a giant cupcake!

Grandma doesn't like to leave anyone out, so she brought a little something for everyone. Big
Sis's "little something" wasn't exactly little. :)
Saturday...celebration number 5...Chuck E Cheese.
Again, this was Younger Brother's specific request. We don't go there all that often because the place is a total petri dish. But that makes birthdays all the more special.
I think the big boys had as much fun as the little ones!
As did a little girl!

Sunday morning...celebration number 6....Grandpa G's house.
The balloon drop is a favorite of all of the kids, and is becoming a birthday tradition.

Littlest Sis wasn't quite sure about all the

Grandpa G's house is a welcome departure from mommy and daddy's harsh and constricting world of rules. :) And they get away with a few things here that might not fly at home. One particular favorite...leaping from bed to bed in the spare bedroom.


A cool new galactic heroes spaceship with
ObiWan, R4, and a proton bomb. The boys almost went to blows over this tonight.
And of course the very best part of all...running around with forks and popping all of the balloons before going home! The boys love that part!
And last but not least...Sunday evening...celebration number 7.
Grandma and Grandpa M, Grandma K, Uncle B, Uncle A, Mr. A, and Miss D came over for pizza and cake.
Buggy got one last birthday surprise. He was upstairs playing his DS (birthday privelage) when we discovered that Clone Wars was on Cartoon Network.
Here he is watching it with Uncle A. That is, until it ended and daddy flipped the channel to a very shocking documentary on the trial and execution of Saddam Hussein. Yikes! Sorry Bug! Don't worry, I covered his eyes in record time...and he couldn't hear anything anyway through his "phone ears".
Thanks everyone for giving Younger Brother one super cool birthday weekend!
We love you!
Is 32 too old to be adopted? I want birthday celebrations like this! I hope A had a really great birthday!! Looks like a fun time!
You guys are one fun bunch aren't you?! What a wild & fun Birthday celebration!
I remember the balloon drop at your Dad's house (for you & Jason's surprise party back when Big Sis was 7 months...she was the little sis then!). Ava LOVED it so much!!...oh and I forgot the pony ride was pretty cool too!
I love the princess tent and all the personal cakes. I noticed Big Sis had her very own Cinderella cake!
I also wanted adopted into the family. My birthday is the 26th, and I wont be mad it you mail me one of those fabulous jack o lantern cakes! it looks so yummy. and a balloon drop too please!!
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