Littlest Sis got to experience her first ever turn on the swings today!

She's so small, I had to ball up a blanket in her lap to keep her snuggled in tight.
I brought her out during nap time because I didn't think Big Sis would take too kindly to having her beloved green swing usurped.
She loved that dropping sensation in her tummy and giggled on the downswing every time...
And mommy loved watching the wind in her dandelion puff hair!
Much to my surprise, Big Sis came out after nap and seemed happy to have Littlest Sis joining in the fun. She gladly gave up her baby swing and hopped on the big one without any fuss at all.
Thanks Sis!
What a good idea with the blanket ,how cute! I love that little fuzzy head of hers! :)
her hair makes me melt every time i look at her. im crossing my fingers that next time, if they tell me its a girl again, that it actually comes out a girl. there's too much testosterone in this house already!
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