Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hada de los Dientes

Translation: Tooth Fairy

Why do I know this?

Because of Biggest Brother's waggery, that's why!

Younger Brother just lost a tooth. He noticed that a couple of weeks ago when Biggest Brother (who no longer believes in the Tooth Fairy) lost a tooth, he got to keep it. He asked me why the Tooth Fairy hasn't ever let him keep one of his teeth. So I told him the next time he lost a tooth he just needed to put it in a baggie with a note asking the Tooth Fairy not to take it.

Remembering the discussion, Biggest Brother (who is very good about playing along for the sake of the younger siblings) came trotting into the kitchen with Younger Brother, the baggie, and the tooth in tow; and announced that he had given Younger Brother the inside scoop on what to do.

Then he smiled slyly and added, "Oh, and I told him his Tooth Fairy speaks Spanish."

Ha ha, Biggest Brother, you're soooo hilarious!

(Okay, so it is pretty funny...)

After sending out a plea to my bilingual facebook friends and consulting, I was finally able to come up with this...

"Dear Tooth Fairy, Please don't take my tooth. Thanks!"

We'll see if it works! ;)

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