Sunday, January 15, 2017

'Twas the Season

It was going to be 'Tis the Season - but true to the season itself, there was so much going on that I never got around to posting these.


Younger Brother lives for this time of year!  His joy and enthusiasm for Christmastime are infectious!  And I couldn't possibly let it slip by without sharing a glimpse into his world and the one he creates for us here.

I love this kid!


I really have zero interest in putting up outdoor lights.  Not because I don't like having them, but just because I don't like being cold - and it's usually cold.  Younger Brother, on the other hand, couldn't care less. He'd be thrilled to do it if it were 5 degrees outside, so I'm happy to hand over the job.

Luckily, we did get a few nice days about a week before Thanksgiving, and he came to us and asked if he could put up some lights.  We said, "sure" - on one condition:

It couldn't be hodgepodge; it had to look nice.

I should know better by now than to grant permission to Younger Brother to do anything under only one condition.

Not 15 minutes later, I looked out of an upstairs bedroom window and saw him in his climbing gear, fully harnessed, and belaying out of the tree - wrapping the branches in lights on the way down.

        I can't say I've seen lights put up in quite this fashion, but I suppose it makes sense.
And he did anchor himself at least, right?

He completed that task without incident and moved on to the house.

Being that Younger Brother does everything at "maximum enthusiasm" capacity,  I thought this shot of his radio (which was projecting music across the yard from the All Christmas All the Time channel) next to his climbing harness was rather poetic.

Except when it is.

He did pay very close attention to detail - 

making sure everything was evenly spaced.

Per usual, his adventures were closely followed by his most loyal spectator,

who was super excited, not about the lights, but about the reanimation of


This snowman has been a beloved part of our holiday decor since Younger Brother received him as a gift when he was a toddler.

In fact, I know there are posts on the blog from way back when Frosty used to take up residence in our living room.

Speaking of living rooms, Younger Brother decorates both inside and out.
He is in charge of the lights on our tree, the girls' tree, his own tree, and general decor.  Every year he turns the room he and Bubs share into quite the Christmas wonderland.

This picture (taken last year) is one of my all-time favs.
It was the first time we lit the tree in YB and Bubby's room and he was in awe.
I'm so glad I stopped in the midst of the bedtime chaos to capture it!  I wasn't so sure at the time.

Along with the tree in their room, there is a light-up train painting, a giant snowflake, multiple strands of lights trimming the perimeter,  

and (new this year) icicle lights on the door frame.
Bubby was a spectator for that too.

In addition to the main tree in the dining room, he added lights around the back door and set up a Star Shower for the ceiling and walls. The Star Shower is really intended for outdoor use, but he decided the moving lazer light show was much more effective inside than out - and less likely to get stolen as some of the others in the neighborhood did.  Plus, it makes dinnertime way more fun.

I told Younger Brother I would take a picture of the outside of the house, and I was really hoping I would be able to do it when there was snow on the ground.  The snowfall we had on Princess A's birthday turned out to be perfect!  I love the moonlight on the trees and the snowman keeping watch in the yard.

Of course, it seemed a little less magical at the time, with Biggest Brother (who accompanied me because it was dark and I'm a chicken) facetiously groaning, 
"Mommm, why do you make me come outside with you in the middle of the night to take pictures of Christmas lights?  You know it's like 20 degrees right?  Oh my gosh, you're taking more?!?! What, were they not smiling the first time???"

But look how pretty!
This year's decor was anything but hodgepodge.

Thanks, Younger Brother!  
Christmas spirit increases ten fold when you're at the helm!!!

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