Friday, June 12, 2009

Rainy Day Fun

Rainy day number 3 in a row, and the boys were about to come out of their skin. It was either find some way for them (Younger Brother especially) to exert some energy, or invest in overnight shipping from the straight jacket company! And idea!

Just as I thought!

The Bounce House the kids got as a present from Uncle A just so happens to fit perfectly in the basement play space!

They could not have been more excited.
Not that it isn't fun in the yard, but apparently it's double fun when you get to have it in the house!

Even Littlest Sis got in on the fun!

Thanks Uncle A!
I think we may have found our rainy day salvation!

1 comment:

Britni said...

I see that the girls jump seperately from the boys, lol :) This looks like fun and it's cool it fits in the basement!!!