Thursday, July 2, 2009


I took these pictures last week but hadn't had a chance to post them. It was Littlest Sis's first time "swimming" and she loved it!

How cute is that hiney?!

Sis had never experienced a blue plastic pool before...pure elation!

The sibs waited patiently in the background while Sis took her initial dip. Being that it was her first time, I thought it was only right to give her a minute to enjoy the experience without getting swamped.

My idea of having a "girl pool" and a "boy pool" turned out to be a good one!

The "girl pool" was an oasis of peaceful summer fun...

...and the "boy pool" was more like a bar room brawl.
Notice Younger Brother's legs on the left as Daddy sent him flying down the slide. And Biggest Brother's stance, which indicates that he could barely contain his excitement over seeing his younger brother get pushed in.

Brothers are hilarious!

Sis doing her sign language for "all done"... pool time is tiring!

She had a rather unique way of dismounting from the pool.
In fact, this is how she dismounts from the bed and most other things.
Usually, it is followed by throwing her arms in the air and announcing, "Ta dah!"
I've always said our tiny feisty girl is a born gymnast! :)

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