What do the following items have in common?

...spilled on the table, down one table leg, and across the kitchen floor.

Not sure? Well let me tell you.
J had to work a freelance job for a local church this morning, so I stayed home with the kids. I decided I wanted to make them something special for breakfast, so I thought I'd hunt down the supplies for pancakes.
I pulled the Bisquick out of the cupboard only to discover it had expired. But not before being spotted by a very excited Little Sis, who was very upset that we weren't going to get to have pancakes.
In the process of consoling her and explaining that we would have something else just as yummy, I did not see Younger Brother pouring...er, attempting to pour...a sizeable glass of orange juice. Which spilled and spread it's sticky goodness all over the table, down the table leg, and all over the floor.
I cleaned it up and looked into the prospect of making scrambled eggs.
But there were only two eggs left.
Plan B
Remember that Bucket of Change donated to me out of the goodness of the boys' hearts?
If not, click here.
Well, I set it aside to recycle back to them in one fashion or another.
And it seemed like the perfect opportunity for a treat and life lesson combined.
I had them dig out several dollars worth of quarters, and was reminded of the scripture:
"Give, and it will be given to you."
Luke 6:38
We talked about how, just like you are never too rushed to be courteous to someone, you never have too little to be generous.
And about the woman in the Bible who gave her last coin (kind of like the way they gave from their piggy banks) and that was worth more than the wealth of a rich man.
And (while we don't give because we're going to get something in return), the Bible does say, "Give and it will be given to you."
Therefore, I was going to take what they had given, and give back to them in the form of sprinkle doughnuts!
And let it be known, when you're 2, sprinkle doughnuts are straight up currency!
(Yes, we did talk about the fact that God provides for our needs, and that probably isn't exactly referring to sprinkle doughnuts. But the moral of the story seemed to reach home anyway.)
So off we went to pile into the truck for a trip through the Tim Horton's drive-thru.
Well, almost.
As I was buckling the girls in their car seats, the boys came running out into the garage, slamming the door behind them -
the locked door...to which I did not have a key.
However, we do have a dog door.
A weather proofed / sealed shut dog door.
So I had to use a baseball bat to bust through the dog door, in order to send Younger Brother through to unlock the door and let us all back in.
So, what does Expired Bisquick, Orange Juice, a Bucket Of Change, a Scripture, a Baseball Bat, and a Duct Taped Doggy Door have in common?

1 comment:
oh my gosh that totally sounds like a normal day at my house during the school week. except im lifting my oldest up through the kitchen window tat we never lock, praise the lord that we live in a neighborhood that we can do that!
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