Friday, July 1, 2011


The M girls are serious about their footwear. Just this morning I stood in the bathroom doing Big Sis's hair when Princess A came and sat down in the hallway with a pair of high heels. After several failed attempts to get them on her feet, she let out a scream of pure rage and I witnessed the heels go flying past me and slam into the bathroom door.

As Princess A's unbridled passion would show, she and Big Sis share a small obsession with shoes that began for both of them around 17 or 18 months of age. And they both have a rather impressive collection.

Little Sis on the other hand is a simpler girl. Well, okay there is nothing *simple* about Little Sis. She is 24lbs of pure TNT iced with unflinching opinion. But as it pertains to shoes, she will wear three things and three things only; purple sandals, eskimo boots, and slippers. None of which actually match anything - often not even each other. But any of which she staunchly insists on wearing with everything! This morning? A sundress style outfit and the eskimo boots...well, that is right after I got her to part ways with the, "skwippers."

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