Sunday, September 25, 2016


 As you've probably noticed, I am very sentimental.  

Perhaps overly so, since I'm still hanging onto that bobblehead Yoda (still in the package) that J jokingly gave me to use as a focal point during my first natural childbirth.  I realize that bequeathing a head-bobbing, green Jedi to my children one day probably isn't going to fill their hearts with warm fuzzies and a connection to their roots.

Some things, however, are totally meant to be held onto!  

The dress Big Sis is wearing has been handed down to her by her grandma.

It was handmade by her great grandmother, for her grandma, who wore it when she was a little girl!

It now fits Big Sis perfectly.

The dress itself is gorgeous!  
The detail she put into the - (I don't even know the correct terms for the detail stuff) - is amazing.

What's also amazing to me is that it has stayed in pristine condition for more than half a century!!  

Clothing in this house rarely survives long enough to get passed down to the next kid.
(We are taking extra special care of this one!)

I so wish I had the ability to make something that would be enjoyed by generations of great grandchildren after me the way my grandmother has done.  But since I can't sew - at all - I thought I could at least capture our appreciation for this family heirloom in a special portrait session with Big Sis.

The fields of goldenrod at my friend's farm were perfect for the occasion!  It rained off and on and there were pop-up storms all around us, but I think we got what we set out to accomplish.

So here's to you, Grandma!

Thank you for all of the time I can imagine you spent sewing and stitching all of those years ago.  You've left us with something exceptionally cool - something that does give us warm fuzzies and a connection to our roots!

Meanwhile, bobblehead Yoda is still in my basement...

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