Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Counting Sheep

 Counting sheep is what I am both doing and not doing at the present moment.

Baby Sis loves her Lambie.  
It's not my first day out, so as soon as she latched onto it as her lovie of choice, I made sure to get Lambie a stunt double - just in case.

(I am certain that any parent of a kid with a lovie knows that feeling of terror and dread when a lovie comes up missing after a trip to the park or the grocery store.)

So in my effort to think ahead, I ended up getting Baby Sis doubly hooked.  In a twist of events, the Lambies became a figuratively inseparable entity, equally-loved, and deemed suitable only as a pair.

Now naptime, and bedtime, and anytime between require, in her words, "Two Lambies!  Two Lambies!"

It has been a loooooong time since I've gotten Baby Sis to part with "Two Lambies" for a much-needed trip through the washing machine, so this morning I decided it was time.

I was on top of it.
First thing in the morning - nowhere near naptime or bedtime - golden.

"Two Lambies" -  and Bubby's blue blankets - were washed and dried before they had barely been missed.

But of course, that leads to the question of the hour:

What does a toddler do with a freshly-washed lovie, right at bedtime, when she is juuuust about to be tucked in for the night?

Pees on it.

Yes, indeed.
So here I sit, waiting on the other half of "Two Lambies" to come out of the wash so that when Baby Sis counts her sheep tonight, I'll be able to count mine too!

Although I would like to add, it's nice to see that Murphy's Kid Law is still alive and well.
If you missed that the first time around, click here! 

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