Wednesday, December 1, 2010

4 x 4 = ?

Perfect Attendance the Pediatrician's office that is.
We have officially set a new family record with four trips to the Pediatrician in four days; Friday, Monday, Tuesday, and today. This was Princess A looking sweet in her pink parka right when we got back this evening.
Thankfully, it appears we now have an answer as to why she has been so sick.
Her doctor determined on Monday that she has a kidney infection, and put her on the most common antibiotic to treat it. She seemed a bit better yesterday, and then had a really rough night of shivering and vomitting again last night.
I called the after hours service at 4:30 in the morning, and ended up taking her back in today. Thankfully, the official lab report came back in time for our appointment this time.
It showed that while 98% of kidney infections are caused by E.Coli bacteria that responds well to the antibiotic, Princess A happens to be in the other 2%, with her infection being caused by a strain that's resistant to that particular antibiotic.
She was given a big' ol loading dose injection of a new antibiotic, and will begin a new oral prescription tomorrow. Now that they know how to treat it, they expect her to be feeling a whole lot better in 24hrs. Thank goodness!
The doctor complimented her on her sweet disposition, and said he would not be so pleasant if he were feeling like she must be feeling.
She's such a good girl! She barely even cried when she got her big shot.
We're going to get you fixed up right quick, Princess A!
Mommy loves you!!!

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