Friday, September 17, 2010

Sidekicks And Siblings That Weren't

I looked up from pushing Princess A on the swing to discover that I was being hunted. Being that Biggest Brother has taken a great interest in the Lord of the Rings series lately, and judging by his attire, I assumed that Legolas was my crouching foe.

I was close.
According to him, he was not Legolas, but rather Legolas's brother, "Crystal."
(I'm pretty sure that Legolas did NOT have a brother by the name of, "Crystal.")
He was not convinced.
Crystal is apparently a fearsome warrior!

The backyard kingdom fell to him

in a matter of minutes.

Little Sis was highly impressed!
Can't you tell?
(Truth be told, she had successfully tuned out the entirety of the commotion around her.)
But not everyone was so unmindful of the events at hand.
Or more specifically, the capturing on camera of the events at hand.
If you don't know of whom I speak?
Then here's a clue.
Yes indeed.
Faster than a boy in front of a combine summons Superman,
a boy, or more accurately anyone, in front of a camera summons...

Oh PoseALot, we've missed you these past few posts.

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