Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Morning Sunshine

Good morning, Princess A!
You're all dressed up with nowhere to go. Mommy is late, and your molars are hurting, so we let Daddy and your brothers and sisters go on to church without us. But I thought I could at least take your picture because you look so pretty.
You know, it was around this time last year that I was driving down the road to Brother's school, about to round the corner before the railroad tracks, and all of a sudden God laid your name upon my heart.
I didn't know who you were to be. But He did.
Your name means, "I have a light."
And that you do, Princess A.
Something inside you truly shines.
I am blessed to get to spend the morning here with you, and every day!
You are magnificent.
I love you.
P.s. And it's a good thing you're so wonderful, or I might not have taken so kindly to that high velocity milk shower you woke me up with at 5am this morning! :)

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