Monday, November 17, 2008

Pigtail Perfect

Big Sis is quite a sight to behold in the morning!

Strange and crazy things happen to her hair in the night...

In fact, Barbie seems to suffer from the same phenomena...

I couldn't care less if she (Big Sis, not Barbie) had on a brown paper sack and a mop on her head. She would still be beautiful!

She however, has very strong opinions on the matter!
Apparently the presentation of a princess is nothing to be taken lightly, and she does not take kindly to a naturally tousled do.

So every day she sits up on the bathroom counter and gives me express instructions regarding her hair. Lately it's been a passion for pigtails! But it's not only a style, it's a science...she carefully selects which barrettes or bows she wants, how many, and where to put them. Specifically where to put them! Then she points to the bottle of no-frizz curl spray (she likes the smell of it I think) and motions to her pigtails for the finishing touches. She then checks the finished product out in the mirror and says, "Beu-ful! All done!"

And there you have it!

Today, it was two pigtails, up high, with silver glitter butterfly barrettes...and bangs pulled to the side with a pink clip.

Yes Sis, you are beu-ful!
Though just as beautiful in the 1st picture as in the 5th,
I do admire your sense of style! :)

1 comment:

Britni said...

She looks so adorable! You have always been good with symmetry! :)

I am not good at parting hair....part of the problem is that my girls are always on the go and I am just not fast enough,haha!