Monday, March 16, 2009

Dino Bones

Biggest Brother has been on a Paleontologist kick lately. His class is studying dinosaurs, and he has been fascinated with digging up fossils and bones anywhere and everywhere. I do admire his creativity, and hey, it's educational!

A particularly proud find.
He has such a good imagination that I can't honestly tell if he really thinks this stick is a bone, or if he's just pretending.

Either way, he has excavating down to a science.

I drew the line when he wanted to dump the contents of this container on the kitchen table shortly before dinner, but assured him I would let him do it later. He wanted to write down measurements and observations of everything he dug up, and asked me if I could supply him with a memo pad for the task. Can't complain about that...sure beats asking to watch the cartoon network!

1 comment:

Britni said...

That is so cute! I use to always pretend to be on treasure hunts when I was little. It's so much fun being a kid!