Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mom & Dad

Two dear friends of ours got married today! They are so obviously in love, and so perfect for each other, it made for quite a joyous occasion. J was the Best Man, and I know he was honored to get to be a part of their special day. Congratulations A and A!!! We are so happy for you guys!

And another reason to be excited about today...

The occasion warranted that J and I actually got to have time out together to dance and eat and enjoy being a couple ourselves!
(Thanks Grandma and Grandpa M for babysitting all day!)
I personally think the Chuck Taylor's with the tux is a good combination, don't you think?!

I never said we were good at dancing.

Aww, and thanks to our friends, three rare photos of the two of us together
to commemorate the occasion!

1 comment:

Britni said...

That last picture is such a great one...needs to be framed for sure :)