Friday, October 1, 2010

Sweet Sisters

Well, it's 2:47A.M. and I am continuing the task of sorting through and editing pictures whilst baking cookies for the boys' soccer banquet in the morning.
Of course, I didn't remember that obligation when J was at the grocery store this morning, so the kids and I ended up making an extra trip out for supplies this evening. But what can ya do?
On a related note, when accepting your 4yo's suggestion of wearing a Kroger sticker as a pirate eye patch, be warned that the removal of such will likely result in the removal of eyelashes as well...mine, not hers.
I will spare you further late night ramblings, but before I go, I just had to post a picture of these sweet sisters that I recently had the pleasure of photographing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These girls are gorgeous! =)