Thursday, December 11, 2008


A month or so ago, I found the most beautiful, plum colored, velvet Christmas dress for Big Sis! And she would have nothing to do with it! It got reviews such as, "Too tiiiight!" And, "Yucky!" ... Oh, and tears. (Alas, it is on it's way back to the store.)

So today, I stumbled upon a fantastic deal on a gorgeous dress! I held my breath as I pulled it from the bag, helped her step in, and zipped her up. The verdict: 100% Approved!

Sorry about the photo quality...I took it with my cell phone.

In fact, she likes it so much that she wanted me to let her wear it to the grocery store this morning. That's right Daddy, I told her "no"...and she ended up eating breakfast in her underwear!

Now, for those who don't know Big Sis...She is a very sweet spirited, compliant child. If she acted like a spoiled brat, I would not cater to her opinions in quite this way! But as it is, she is a very good little girl, so she gets away with a good little bit! :)
Nice choice Big Sis...You look "beu-ful'

1 comment:

Britni said...

What a beautiful dress! Sometimes Ava gets to wear something fun out like her costume jewelry or one time it was her penguin apron :)