Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Mary had a baby, yes Lord..."

Today, the 1st and 2nd graders at Biggest Brother's school presented a special Christmas program during chapel. Biggest Brother was very excited to be chosen to play the part of Joseph! In fact, he was so excited that he spent the rest of the day at home with a towel on his head leading Big Sis and her American Girl doll (aka Baby Jesus) around the house. Here are some pics from the main event. (And before anyone roasts me, I did not give advance notice about this because it took place during the school day when most of you were at work!) Enjoy the pics! Brother, you did a great job! :)


Britni said...

That is so cute! Great job Biggest Brother, I'm so proud of you! I would have never wanted to do that at his age, he must take after his Mommy!

My2Gs said...

Found your blog today when your dad gave me the link. He and I have become aquintances on twitter. Come check out my site sometime when you get a chance.