Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Not Actually Slacking

I realize it may seem, from my shortened and occasionally delinquent blog posts, that I have been slacking the past few days. Not so. I have actually been getting out and doin' some good old fashioned work! I am horse-sitting for the couple who owns the farm where we keep Sugar....which means feeding three times a day, cleaning stalls, and the whole nine yards. Needless to say, between that and our normal daily routine, it's been a bit busy!

This was the scene as I pulled up this morning. The Palomino is not really bow-legged...he was swaying back and forth in eager anticipation of breakfast.

And this is Sug practically mowing me down looking for pears. She loves pears!

I will do my best to keep up with posts this week. But with the eight (kids+horses) in my charge...Let's face it, this crowd is demanding! :)

1 comment:

Britni said...

That second picture is awesome. Look at that soft nose!!