Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Birthday Bubbles

Our very special girl has a very special birthday coming up tomorrow! And what better way to celebrate "Birthday Eve" than a bathtub full of bubbles all to her very self! Trust me, when you're one of four, solo bath time is a big deal!

There was only one problem, she mostly just wanted to eat the bubbles. I thought after the first mouthful she'd decide not to do that again, but not so. Apparently, she thought they were tasty!

And they're tickley too!...Bubbles on the belly always gets a giggle .

Cinderella didn't seem to mind being dunked repeatedly.

... noticing the tropical fish shower curtain just waiting to be pulled...


And successfully sidetracked!

I had taken so many pictures of her at this point that she would no longer look at me when I called her name. I started to sing her favorite of the little songs I've made up for her and she instantly turned and did this! Aww, thanks Littlest Sis. I'm glad you like your song!
Happy Birthday Eve Baby Girl!!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Happy Birthday Littlest Sis!!!! I can't believe she is one !