Thursday, August 14, 2008

Baby Wearing 101

So I finally decided to pony up the dough (actually my husband's dough :) ) and invest in a sling for Littlest Sis. I needed a way to carry her around with me and still have my hands free to do things with the other kids. As I quickly discovered, there are lots of different kinds of slings! So after much deliberation this is the one I settled on.

Exhibit A: The Moby Wrap
My first thought: "Oh yeah, right!"

However, thanks to the "sling instructions for dummies" style manual, I'd say our first attempt at wrapping it went pretty darn well!

But sometimes a girl requires a bit more cuddles...
(Click on the pic for a close-up of that hair!)

So, our second attempt...the "hug"hold. This thing is awesome!
I was told that if you're going to do a sling, you need to do it from birth and not try to introduce it months down the road. I can see how could be true. So I am pleasantly surprised that she has taken to the whole idea famously!

I am totally kicking myself for not investing in one of these sooner!

And most importantly...
it receives a resounding two fingers up from Littlest Sis!

1 comment:

Lesli said...

I think these are my favorite pics yet....I love that's awesome! =) Too cute!!