Tuesday, August 12, 2008

"rogger rogger"

...at least that's how he pronounces it anyway.

Rogger Rogger is Younger Brother's favorite Star Wars lego! Actually, it should be roger roger...and apparently it's what these droid guys say. I confess, I haven't watched the movies.

Meet Rogger Rogger

The boys were asked to play in the basement because Littlest Sis was sleeping. Before that sounds cruel...there is a quite extensive playroom in the basement!

Nevertheless, Younger Brother likes to push the envelope and see how close he can get to the upstairs without actually leaving the basement.

Legos are relatively quiet, and it was a good photo op of my faster-than-any-shudder-speed boy. So I let it slide.

Star Wars Legos are the hot commodity in our house...second only to the DS, on which they play...Lego Star Wars.
Next it's Lego Star Wars the flame thrower! Kids love that one!
(No need to call the authorities...it's a movie reference. Can you guess which one?)

Big Sis was visibly distraught over mommy taking pictures of someone other than her.

Here ya go Sis!

Smile B!

That wasn't exactly what I meant.


The Storm Trooper is about to get "owned" by Rogger Rogger.

Told ya so! :)

Umm...I think this definitely does not qualify as "the basement".

1 comment:

Britni said...

What cute pics of this boy ritual. I am not familiar with all this stuff that is non Princess, lol. He is such a cutie pie. Ava is very fond of him :)