Saturday, August 9, 2008


It was a day of milestones here on the homefront. J and I celebrated our
5th wedding anniversary today...August 9th! Here's us on this
day 5 years ago! Sorry the pics are so small. My computer wasn't too happy
about the size of the files.

Mom M took on the task of watching all four of the kids so we could go out!
Thanks Mom M! We saw a movie and had some P.F. Changs...sooo good!!!
The P.F. Changs that is, the movie not so much, but who cares. A date's a date!

I call this one our cologne ad pic!


And not to be outdone, Littlest Sis came through with a milestone of her own...her first tooth!
She was reaching for her blankie and got my finger by mistake. She immediately pulled it into her mouth and bit down. Only this time it wasn't all gums, but 99 percent gums and one little pointy pearly white poking through on the bottom! It must feel funny to her because this is the face she made all day today. :)


Lesli said...

I told J that I can't believe I forgot to say Happy Anniversary, given that it's Dan's birthday, would think I would have remembered =)....Hope it was awesome!

Britni said...

Ember use to do that while she teethed and I always teased that she looked like a little old lady :)

I didn't realize it was your anniversary yesterday! I know you said you had a date night though. Happy Anniversary. You two compliment each other so well. I love all of those pics, so romantic :)