Sunday, August 24, 2008

Closin' Down the Summer

Alas, the end of summer is upon us. Man that was fast! Daddy had to work today, so the kids and I decided to make the best of our last summer Sunday before the start of school.

Littlest Sis is still too young to soak up the rays, but that didn't stop her from looking super cute in her bathing suit.
"The baby on my shoulder made me do it!"

It was a nice hot day, so we pulled out all the water stops.

Littlest Sis promptly drifted off to dreamy land under the backyard tree.

Younger Brother loves to dish it out with the squirt guns...but (shhh) he isn't very good about paybacks.

I told Biggest Brother to give Younger Brother a break so he decided to try his hand at writing his name in water.

She's still my bubbles and love.

Biggest Brother was not totally comprehending the object of limbo.

Younger Brother discovered that this was a pretty good vantage point.

I think this is the first time Big Sis has actually participated in sprinkler fun.

What's a final summer hoorah without fairy bread?!

Watching Big Sis eat fairy bread is an impressively grotesque experience. It reminds me a bit of that Asian man that wins all of those hot dog eating contests. I cut her sandwich into four pieces and she shovels the entire sailboat shaped piece down in one bite!

The boys decided to stay out back for a while longer while the girls came in and enjoyed some cuddle time together in the chair. Well, until a minor altercation occured between them. But it was awfully sweet while it lasted!

1 comment:

Britni said...

I love those girlie swim suits! Asher is getting so big, I can't believe he starts school?! I need to call you soon. I have so much on my mind and need a women to talk to :) Mark does his best to listen & really is very sweet but he is still a man,lol.