Thursday, October 30, 2008

Learning Curves and Lunchtime Fun

Littlest Sis is entering into that wonderful and brief stage of development where she can sit up and play with toys, but can't yet go anywhere. In fact, today is the first day that I can say she's truly sitting independently!

Way to go Sis!!!
I am so excited for her, that she will finally be able to join her siblings as more than just a spectator.
However, with every new skill comes new challenges.
First new challenge...large motor control vs impending nap time.

It's okay Sis! It happens to the best of us! :)
Well, Littlest Sis was clearly in need of a nap! And with Biggest Brother at school and only two remaining children in my charge, I was afforded the opportunity to make lunchtime a little more festive than usual.
Younger Brother and Big Sis were excited to break out the cookie cutters and help me make cheese sandwiches in the shape of woodland creatures.

And then for the blessing...
Fact: 2 and 4 yr old children can not hold hands and concentrate at the same time.

They started out saying blessing and ended in an all out tug-of-war.
Sis thought that was hilarious!

She was happy to pose for a picture with her butterfly sandwich of choice.

Brother chose a squirrel, but was not going to let me take his picture quite so easily.

I still see you B!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Ha! That is so funny. Poor baby. It's hard work sitting up!

I love the cheese sandwich idea. My kids are getting bored with their meals and so am I. I am creative in many ways but meal prparation is my weakness....send some ideas my way! :) This is a dumb question but what kind of cheese is in that sandwich?